what’s the difference between a typhoon and reform and opening up?

And this is not the opening to a joke, but a loose interpretation of a stanza from a new song celebrating the Shenzhen story. The stanza is:

海风在上海吹来;吹倒了蔡屋围的老房子;吹出了一堆亿万富翁;吹出了城市文明和一栋栋的高楼, which translates as: the sea breeze blew in across the seas; blew down the old houses of Caiwuwei; blew a pile of millionaires into existence; blew urban civilization and rows of high-rises into existence.

I know, once you get past that blowing down old homes was a good thing (a la 塞翁失马 perhaps?) you too are wondering, how is it that the Story of Spring is now a story of the sea? And is it really necessary to use the measure word 一堆 (a pile) to describe local villagers / urban villages? And then, Yeah!? Caiwuwei, the original new town is finally getting some love.

Below, I’m including two links for a sense of how the vibe has changed over the past decade: First video: a 2023 that was produced by Guangdong Province and opens with a brief allusion to COVID (it was a cold winter, but now its spring!) version that includes footage of Deng’s 1984 tour, and scenes from Shenzhen in the 1990s, including Caiwuwei. Second video has no footage but does translate the song.

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